If you are able to gift aid your donations please download the Gift Aid form and return it to eastgrinstead@abdiocese.org.uk. Paper forms are available at the back of both churches.
Gift Aid Declaration November 2021 V.1Download
Parish Christmas Greetings V3Download
Our contractor will return to the Church this week following some difficulty with supply of aluminium for the roofs which has delayed our project.
A machine will be temporarily placed to the rear of the nave on Monday 9th December, this will be used to form the sheet aluminium into sections to be installed on…
Submit your Christmas greetings to Parish friends and family and raise a little money for CAFOD too. The organising baton has been handed to the comms team and now we can submit using an online form. Alternatively, send a note to the office with your requests. This is a great way to save on individual cards…
On Friday 27th September, the Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul, members of the SVP across the Diocese gathered at Arundel Cathedral to celebrate 180 years of the SVP in England and Wales. At the end of the Mass, celebrated by Bishop Richard, Peter Wells our President of the East Grinstead Conference, was presented…
We would like to pray by name for anyone in our parish community who is sick, in need or suffering in any way. If you or a loved one would like to be included in the Bidding Prayers at mass, you are warmly invited to contact us.
If you would like to request prayer for…