Baptism in the Catholic Church is one of the seven sacraments and is considered the first and fundamental sacrament of Christian initiation. It is through baptism that a person becomes a member of the Church.
- Initiation: Baptism is the sacrament of initiation, welcoming individuals into the Christian community.
- Grace and Forgiveness: It bestows sanctifying grace, which cleanses the baptized from all sins, including original sin.
- Indelible Mark: Baptism imprints an indelible spiritual mark on the soul, signifying that the person now belongs to Christ.
Baptisms are usually celebrated on a Sunday during 9am or 10.30am Mass or 12.15pm. Parents can make enquires with Fr Jack at Our Lady and St Peters Church at 10am – 11am on Saturday or after Mass.
First Holy Communion and Reconciliation
First Holy Communion is a significant sacrament in the Catholic Church, marking a child’s first reception of the Eucharist, which is considered the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. During the process of preparing for First Holy Communion the child will also make their First Reconciliation (confession).
In our parish FHC is offered to children in Year 4 or above. To register your interest please check the Newsletter in September.
First Reconciliation and Holy Communion programme 2024-2025
Do you have a child in Year 4 or above and interested in receiving the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion? We are excited to announce that our programme will be starting in November 2024.
We will be holding a meeting for parents/carers on Wednesday, October 16th at 7:30pm in Our Lady and St Peter’s church hall. At this meeting, you will learn more about the programme and important dates so pop it into your diary.
You can sign up to join the programme here.
Preparation begins in November with one or two sessions a month until the ceremony takes place in June. For an indication of when these sessions will be, please see this document from the 2022/23 group:
Confirmation is the sacrament by which we receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us an increased ability and strength to live more fulfilled lives, to include our faith in every aspect of our lives and to build and strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is the third sacrament of Christian initiation, following Baptism and the Eucharist.
Confirmation programme 2024-2025
All young people of age Year 10 and above are warmly invited to take part in the parish Confirmation Preparation Programme. A key purpose of the Programme is to enable our young people to find out more about Confirmation. By participating in the Programme, you are showing a willingness to explore this, but doing so does not commit you to being Confirmed. The Programme helps you make a more informed decision on that later.
Further information and a form for expressing initial interest is available via the link below, or
You can sign up to join the programme here.
Some key dates for the 2024/25 session:
- Information / Introduction session for the young people: Sunday 12th January 2025, 3.30pm St Bernard’s Hall.
- Information session for parents and carers: Thursday 16th January, 8pm, St Bernard’s Hall.
- Key weekend session: 5pm Friday 28th Feb to 2.30pm Sunday 2nd March, at Worth Abbey.
Marriage arrangements should be made with Fr. Jack at least 12 months before the marriage date and prior to any social planning. To arrange for marriage preparations please make enquires with Fr Jack at Our Lady and St Peters Church at 10am – 11am on Saturday or after Mass.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic Church. It includes several stages of formation that prepare individuals for full membership in the Church through the sacraments of initiation. The key aspects are:
Stages of RCIA
- Inquiry (Pre-Catechumenate): To explore the faith and discern a call to become Catholic.
- Catechumenate: To deepen understanding of the Catholic faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ.
- Purification and Enlightenment: A period of spiritual preparation, focusing on repentance and deeper conversion.
- Sacraments of Initiation: To fully initiate candidates into the Catholic Church.
- Mystagogy: To continue growing in faith and fully integrate into the parish community.
Please contact Father Jack directly if you feel called to explore this option.