Sat 6.15pm CWL National AGM
Sun 10.30am Josie & Eamonn Tuke RIP. Tadeusz Mulak RIP
Mon 9.30am Deceased friends & relatives of the Subtil, Greethan & Salmon families RIP
Tues 11.00am Anthony McLoughlin RIP (anniv)
Wed 8.00pm Bob Broadway RIP. Diane Price RIP
Thur 9.30am Deceased friends & relatives of the Webb family RIP (fm)
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am Deceased friends & relatives of the Rogers & Subtil families RIP

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Deceased friends & relatives of the Heery, Matthieu & Dietenbeck families RIP
Sun 10.30am Julie Edward’s good estate

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income or the parish with no extra cost to the parishioner


Bishop Richard writes:  Every year at least £200,000 is needed to support our retired Priests.  The amounts incurred are likely to increase in the coming years as more priests reach retirement age.  This support ensures that priests do not face financial hardship when their Parish ministry comes to an end.

While in active ministry, priests’ accommodation and domestic needs are met by the Parish and a modest personal income is usually provided from offerings at Christmas, Easter and from baptisms, weddings and funerals.

There is no charge to the parish for pension contributions to fund the future needs for their priest.  The Retired Priests’ Fund supplies these needs, whether the priest is able to live independently or whether more care is required.

In recent years this collection has contributed only a fraction of the amount needed.  Please give generously so that we can express our concern  and gratitude towards those who have served us so loyally over the years.

Thank you.  Bishop Richard.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY  –  begins today at OLSP.  Primary School Age.

NEXT SUNDAY  –  a Second Sunday of the month.   No Children’s Liturgy.

LUCIENNE BUTCHER RIP –  Luciennes’ funeral will be at Sussex and Surrey Crematorium, Thursday 8th November at 2.15pm.

BAPTISMS  –  Saturday 2pm OLSP  Charlotte Eve Donaghy and Georgina Maria Donaghy (twins).


Lucienne Butcher RIP:  Thursday 8th Nov.  Surrey & Sussex Crematorium  2.15pm

Margaret Murphy RIP:   Mon. 19th  5pm Body received into the Church OLSP. Tuesday 20th  11.30am   Requiem Mass OLSP.

Fr. Peter Morris BP: Thursday 22nd  4pm Vigil Mass  St. John The Evangelist, Herons Ghyll. Friday 23rd 12 noon Requiem Mass. St. John The Evangelist, Herons Ghyll.

Andrew O’Brien RIP: Friday 16th Nov.  at St. Andrews’, Tentenden, Kent.  12 noon.

SVP – National SVP reports that the Kerala Emergency Appeal has so far raised over £300,000.Thank you all for your great contribution of £1,500.  The funds have been used to assist families who have lost their livelihoods following the disaster, to rebuild and re-equip their homes, replace farming machinery and livestock. The appeal is still open.You can donate by sending a cheque to Kerala Emergency Appeal, SVP England & Wales, PO Box 318,Whitstable,CT5 5BS.Thank you.”

NOVEMBER  –  The month when we remember in particular The Dead – of wars, of our families and friends.  Envelopes are at the back for names etc for Masses.

Pope Francis  –  has decided to invite all the faithful to pray the Holy Rosary everyday, asking the Mother of God and Saint Michael Archangel to protect the Church.

A big thank you  –  to everyone who attended the Charity Meal at the Tarana in aid of riding for the disabled we raised £1500 pounds.

WORTH ABBEY: THE OPEN CLOISTER26th – 28th October – Teenagers Retreat in collaboration with the Wellspring Community, Brighton £84 per person.

McDONALD’S IS CLOSED – until 5th December for modernising but don’t worry….excellent refreshments are served in the Parish Centre after 10:30 Mass every Sunday morning. Come and enjoy some, “You’ll be Lovin’ it”

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS – Thank you for your generosity to recent special collections:  The Crisis in Kerala, £1,598; Catholic Education Service, £525; Home Mission Sunday, £450; SVP, £708; CAFOD Harvest Fast Day, £1,328 –  and these figures are exclusive of Gift Aid declarations where appropriate.

VALERIE POWELL RIP  –  Val’s funeral will be a Requiem Mass at OLSP on Tuesday 30th October at 11.00am.

ANDREW O’BRIEN RIP  –  Andy’s funeral will be on Friday 16th November, 12 noon at St. Andrews’, Tenteden, Kent.  He will be buried there close to his Father.  All are invited – and to The Woolpach, Tenteden High Street for a celebration afterwards.

Love in a Box –  leaflets for our annual scheme of filling a box with goodies to send to Moldova are available now at both churches.  PLEASE read the instructions on the leaflet and include a hat, scarf and gloves as Moldova is very cold in the winter.  Further details from Sue Joy, OLSP. EG 832568 or Enrique Valles, St Bernard’s. EG 832568. Boxes back please by Sunday 11 November.  Thank you.

ABORTION BILL  –  The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has produced postcards so that you can send a message to your MP urging him/her to vote against a dangerous abortion bill which is coming up in the House of Commons on Tuesday 23 October 2018. The bill seeks to decriminalise abortion which would remove any effective legal protection for unborn babies and their mothers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Postcards are available at back of church.

SHOPPING AT WAITROSE  –  Please can all parishioners shopping at Waitrose put their green tokens in the box for the “East Grinstead team cooking lunches for the Homeless at the Friary in Crawley”.  We are on a rota and funds are getting low.  Many thanks for your support.

Parenting Children Course a series of 5 sessions designed to help any parent or carer of children up to 10 years old. This relaxed course is presented by DVD and is widely used in different places across the country.  Each session includes: DVD teaching material and an opportunity for discussion.  Begins Saturday 3rd November 10–12noon (followed by lunch), plus supervised children’s activity (with DBS-checked leaders trained in Safeguarding procedures). Venue: St John’s Church, Felbridge. £15/person or £25/couple for the whole course. Contact the Church Office to book your place.  [email protected]   tel 01342 314027 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am – 12:30pm.

LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN – From 4th November there will be Liturgy of the Word for children every week at OLSP – except for the 2nd Sundays of the month. This will be for children of primary school age who will gather in the church to be led out into the Hall.  Many thanks, again, to those who have helped resurrect this ministry to children.

Ecumenical Peace Service at Chichester Cathedral  – at 3.30pm on Remembrance Sunday 11 November. Coach leaving EG at 1pm. Contact Cost £10. Sue Joy for further details. Tel: 835190. Email: [email protected]

ENCOUNTER EVENING (for 15-35s) IN CRAWLEY, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2ND, 7.30PM –  As well as the BIG ENCOUNTER happening at Worth on Saturday 10th, the local ENCOUNTER evenings are also returning to Crawley in November. We are meeting at St Wilfrid’s School, Crawley (RH11 8PG) at 7.30pm on Friday November 2nd. Rather than having a guest speaker, we’re having a social, followed by a time of prayer and adoration. Everyone aged 15-35 is welcome, and entry is free. For more information, search for ‘ENCOUNTER Crawley’ on Facebook…

THE BIG ENCOUNTER 2018 – FESTIVAL FOR 16-35s, NOV 10th  – Our annual festival for 16-35 year olds is happening at Worth Abbey (Performing Arts Centre) on Saturday November 10th at 6.30pm. It’s open to anybody in that age group, and we’ve got an amazing line-up. The Youth 2000 Worship Band will be leading the music, and Bryony Wells will be our keynote speaker. Bishop Richard will also be with us. This is the second annual BIG ENCOUNTER, and we’re expecting a few hundred people, so spread the word. Entry is free, and you don’t need to book. For more info: [email protected]

Needed  –  The Hope Church, are working with the Dept of Work and Pensions, EG Foodbank and others to start a much needed Job Club for residents in East Grinstead and the surrounding villages, but help is needed.  If you feel that you could work alongside someone, fundamentally seeking work, but also needing some compassion and encouragement, or can help with basic computer skills, writing CVs, applying for jobs, preparing for interviews then please come along to a meeting at 10.30 am on Saturday 27 October at the Jubilee Community Centre.  Training will be given. Or are you more geared towards administration and could help us network with local businesses, get policies and procedures in place? Please RSVP to Julia Harris at [email protected]

AGE UK EAST GRINSTEAD & DISTRICT  –  Charity Quiz Night at Gurkha @The Woodcock Inn Felbridge.  Monday 19th November 2018.  6.30pm for a 7pm start.  Quiz and 2 course Nepalese meal & free raffle ticket to win a bottle of champagne.  Tables of 8/ £22 per head.  £12 goes to the charity. To book your places please contact one of the following numbers:

  1.  Lana from Age UK EG & District on 01342 327046 or email on [email protected] or
  2.  telephone Gurkha @ at The Woodcock Inn, Felbridge on 01342 325325.

Barclays matching first £1000.

EG Foodbank – require the following items which can be brought to church or left at the Jubilee Centre in Charlwoods Road: Shower gel (male and female), shampoo (male and female), soap and tissues.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE – welcomes sleeping bags, blankets, and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the door when the Centre is full.  In addition tinned and packet food is welcome as well as coffee, tea and sugar.  Please leave donated items at the back of church at OLSP and St. Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes also be donated at both churches, or taken directly to COH at Three Bridges.  Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash donation in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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