Ministry of Consolation – Friends of the Bereaved

Although grieving is a natural process that can be helped by sympathy and understanding of family and friends, sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone who is not family or a close friend. The Parish now has two “befrienders” who can offer such support – to listen in confidence. However, if you felt more comfortable speaking to someone from outside the Parish then this can also be arranged.

The Ministry hosts a Consolation Cafe every month in the Parish Centre at Our Lady & St Peter. Forthcoming dates are displayed on our noticeboard at the front of the Church (near the baptismal font) and in the Parish Newsletter. If you know someone who may find comfort at the cafe, or if you are suffering through bereavement yourself or any other kind of loss, a warm welcome awaits. No-one will mind if you cry, no-one will mind if you wish to sit quietly on your own drinking your coffee. The support will take the form you wish it to.

New members to this Ministry would be most welcome so if you are interested, or wish to know more, please email [email protected] in the first instance. It will involve some training, reading and assignments over a number of weeks either at the St Philip Howard Centre in Crawley (formerly DABCEC) or via Zoom.  

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.”

(2 Corinthians 1:4)