Parish Organizations

Altar Society:
Flowers – Anne Davies [01342 311226]

Children’s Liturgy
St Bernards: At the 9 am Mass on first Sundays
OLSP: At the 10:30 am Mass on third Sundays

Crown of Thorns
Lisa de Quay [01342 870472]

East Grinstead Catenian Circle
President: Andrew Lake [01342 325578]

Fair Trade
Sales coordinators:
East Grinstead: Mr & Mrs Causton Tel: 01342 311435
Lingfield: Mr & Mrs Vasey Tel: 01342 834436

Friends of St Peter’s
Chair: Tracy Germain
Email: [email protected],
School Telephone: [01342 321985]

Gift Aid
Secretary: Frank Lilley [01342 321987]

Gospel of Life Group
Les Whittaker [01342 315484]

Justice and Peace Group
Sue Joy [01342 835190]

Lifts to Mass:
Peter Wells [07851938727]

Music Ministry
Choir practice Friday 6:45pm, on location; new singers and players most welcome
Director of Music: Liam Bauress [01342 825035] Email: [email protected]

Parish 100 Club
Chris Pond [01342 327002]

Parish Magazine
Klara King: [01342 321581], Email: [email protected]

Readers at Mass
Sue Wade [01342 317246]

Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Peter Wells [01342 811543]

Safeguarding Officer:
Janette Pentney [01342 327109] Email: [email protected]

Sunday Refreshments
Chris Pond [01342 327002]

Maribel Favor for a copy of the rota: [email protected]