Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm Patrick Barrett RIP (anniv). Thanksgiving – Buenconsejo Family
Sun 10.30am Deceased friends & relatives of the Dallow, Lyne & Armstrong families RIP
Mon No mass
Tues 9.30am Patrick Conway RIP & Margaret Gillen RIP
Wed No Mass
Thurs 9.30am Josie Tuke RIP (anniv). Maura Dodsworth RIP (anniv). Susan Murphy RIP (1st anniv)
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am Kathleen Farrel’s good estate

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Jean Elizabeth Taylor RIP (2nd anniv)
Sun 10.30am Jim Fitzpatrick RIP. Susan Murphy RIP

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners


PLEASE NOTE  –  no Weekday Mass on Monday & Wednesday.

REQUIEM MASS  –  Regina Sikorska RIP.  Thursday 11am then burial at Mount Noddy.

2ND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK –  Pax Christi  –  The Catholic Peace Organisation.

Christmas Greetings Sheet – £230 was raised for CAFOD – thank you for your support.

PARISH CHRISTMAS POST – There are still some Christmas cards on the table in the atrium at OL&StP church PLEASE will you check for yours before Santa has to recycle them.

CAROL SINGING   –  the carol singing at the station raised £604 for St Catherine’s Hospice. There was a very good turnout of singers and instrumentalists which no doubt contributed to the splendid result.

CONFIRMATION -Thinking about it? Interested to know more? Fill in form at back of Church and hand in to Fr. Steven a.s.a.p.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FOLLOWED BY THE HOLY ROSARY AT MIDDAY – is now continuing again as normal each Friday morning from 09:00 at OL&StP church. Just pop in if you can… Come, let us Adore Him.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION groups – We are having a break over Christmas. In East Grinstead our next meeting will be on Thursday 11th January 2018.  At Worth Abbey our next meeting will be on Wednesday 10th January 2018. Visitors and new members are always welcome at both venues. If you would like any more information, please contact Gabrielle Joyce, on 01342 326118.

MEALS ON WHEELS  –  Are looking for volunteers for their Meals on Wheels Service in Lingfield, Dormansland, Felcourt and Crowhurst.  Can you help?  By delivering meals with a partner between 11.30 – 13.30, once a week or more.   If you prefer, training and induction given.  Mon, Tues, Wed or Thursdays OR  cooking in a friendly team of 3 or 4, once every 5 weeks or more if you prefer, food hygiene training given, approx  9-12, Mon, Tues, Wed or Thursdays. Call for a chat if you are interested –   Julie 01342 300024/0788793 or email [email protected]

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS – YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!  –  Do you support Catholic schools and the right of Catholics to send their children to them?  Then we need you to make your voice heard.  The Government is making a critical decision on whether to overturn the admission cap which prevents Catholic schools from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. They have acknowledged that this policy discriminates against Catholics and promised to abandon it, now we need you to tell them not to u-turn on their promise to Catholics.  Visit or search for ‘Catholic Education’ in your search engine to write to the Government and urge them to drop their policy which bans new Catholic schools.

CHARITY JAZZ EVENING  –  Featuring the Phillip Dodd Quartet – 13th January 2018 from 7.00 until 10.30 at The JCC, 19 Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead.  Evening is in support of the baby feeding programme in the Sudan. Tickets are £15 each including fish and chip supper with a raffle and licensed bar and are available from: Lala Micallef Tel: 01342 327222 or Angeline Rosner Tel: 01342 832665/07889 323431 or Email: [email protected]

Charity Quiz Night  – in aid of Fairtrade EG and Age UK EG at Tarana Lingfield Restaurant on Monday 15 January. 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Quiz and 2 course meal. Plus Raffle. Tables of 8. £20 per head. £12 to be split between the two charities.Bookings to Susan Joy 01342 835190. email: [email protected]

ENCOUNTER EVENING (FOR 15-30s) WITH FATHER NICK CROWE OP, FRIDAY 19TH – The next ENCOUNTER evening in Crawley will be at St Wilfrid’s (RH11 8PG) on Friday 19th, 7.30pm. We are delighted to announce that our speaker will be Dominican Friar, Father Nick Crowe. ENCOUNTER evenings are open to anyone aged 15-30, they’re totally free, and anyone is welcome. For more information, search ‘ENCOUNTER Crawley’ on Facebook.

YOU ARE INVITED TO A Charity fundraising dinner for The Hospices of Hope  –  (leading the way in hospice care provision in Romania, Serbia & Moldova) on Monday 22nd January at 7pm at Paglia e Fieno. Tickets are £16 each which includes a £7 charity donation.  To book your table now call in to the restaurant at 102 London Rd, or call (01342 328713) NOW!

BISHOP RICHARD INVITES YOU TO JOIN HIM FOR THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES IN DUBLIN WITH THE HOLY FATHER, POPE FRANCIS  –  21-26 August 2018 sees the arrival of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland.  The Diocese is making the most of this wonderful opportunity by organising a pilgrimage for those who would like to attend.  It is open to families of all shapes and sizes, from tiny tots to Grandma and Pops! We will be staying together in Dublin City University accommodation and travelling to events together by coach.  A three Day congress will be followed by a Festival of Families and a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration with Pope Francis.  If you would like more information about the event visit If you would like to join us on pilgrimage, please speak to your parish priest about how he can support you financially, and for a booking form.  Alternatively you can contact Lizzie or Katherine of Diocesan Pastoral team [email protected].

EG Foodbank – a huge thank you to everyone who contributed Christmas goodies for the Christmas Food bags being distributed this Thursday. The Warehouse is full to bursting!  However, what is needed now are Long Life (Green) Milk, Cuppa Soups and Cartons of Fruit juice.  Either drop to JCC in Charlwoods Road, in special boxes at Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, the library or in the box in the church entrance.  Thank you.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE – welcomes sleeping bags, blankets, and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the Door when the Centre is full.  Please take a label from the Advent Tree at OLSP and bring the item along next week.  In addition tinned and packet food is welcome as well as coffee, tea and sugar.  Please leave donated items at the back of church at OLSP and St. Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes can also be donated at both churches, or taken directly to COH at Three Bridges.  Tel: 01293 447702.  Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash donation in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese






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