Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm John Strain RIP (1st anniv)
Sun 10.30am Graham Lister RIP. Douglas Hillman RIP (anniv)
Mon 9.30am Private Intention (M.H)
Tues 9.30am Susan Woodbridge’s good estate
Wed 9.30am Hugh Hichland’s good estate
Thur 9.30am Stella & Carl Rosner RIP (fm)
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am Fr. Len Turner RIP (anniv. fm)

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm John Gleeson RIP
Sun 10.30am Good estate of India Fisher. Catherine Edwards RIP (1st anniv)

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income or the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners

2ND COLLECTION TODAY  –  Apostleship of the Sea.  Can be gift-aided using their envelopes (at back of church). Thank you.

SUMMER FAYRE TODAY  –  St. Peter’s School 12 – 3pm today.

BAPTISM TODAY  –  12.30 OLSP  Kylo Guevarra Douglas.


M S SOCIETY  –  Charity Fundraising Dinner.  Monday 7pm 24th September at The Gurhka, The Woodcock Inn. Tickets £20 (£10 goes to the E.G. branch of the Charity).  To both phone  01342 325325/459672 now.

THANK YOU – On behalf of Charlie, Jesse, Roisin and Grace who will be going to Lourdes in July as Blue Shirt or Red Shirt helpers, the East Grinstead Catenians would like to thank all those who supported last week’s Family Quiz Night, either by attending or by donating cash or a raffle prize. When combined with a donation from the Catenians, £1500 was raised and is being presented to the parish to help fund the young people’s pilgrimage.

PARISH 100 CLUB  –  Congratulations to winners in the June draw: 1st, £50, no 33 Deacon Ted & Mrs Rider; 2nd, £25, no 54, Mrs Murphy; 3rd, £15, no 125, Mrs Newby.

COUNTED MISSIO RED BOXES (OL&StP)  –  Please collect counted, named boxes from the window sill close to the choir loft door. Thank you for your generosity.

PARISH MAGAZINE – thanks to our stalwart contributors, we have an issue coming up: be sure to pick up your copy next weekend!

CHILDREN’S LITURGY MEETING  –  for a year we have not been able to exercise this ministry to children, but it is hoped that we may begin again in September when the schools go back.  If you have a heart for this ministry and are interested please join Fr. Steven at the Presbytery 7.30pm, Wednesday 4th July.

Big Brew – parishioners and parents are invited to the annual Fairtrade Big Brew at St Peter’s School on Wednesday 4 July from 1.30-3.15pm.  There will be Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits and an opportunity to buy goods from the School’s Fairtrade stall at the tea and after school.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS – In East Grinstead, we meet each Thursday from 7.30-8.30 pm in the Parish hall at Our Lady and Saint Peter’s. At Worth Abbey, meetings are held in the Chapel of The Blessed Sacrament in the Abbey Church, between 7.45-8.45 pm on the following dates –  11th and 25th July. If you would like any more information about Christian Meditation at either venue, please contact Gabrielle Joyce on 326118.

A DAY OF PRAYER AND TALKS  –  Thursday. 5th July 10.45am – 3pm, at Our Lady & St. Philip Neri (Lourdes Room), High Street, Uckfield. TN22 5DJ.  All around the world, mothers sharing the same vision are unity together in prayer for their children and grandchildren.  See Notice Board.

ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION GROUP SUSTAINABILITY WORKSHOP  – as part of the CAFOD “Speak up!” week of action; The E.C.G invite you to a talk and workshop on why we should care about climate change and habitat destruction. They will present how small changes in our daily lives can positively affect our relationships with God, ourselves, our global neighbours and our planet.  St. Bernard’s Church hall, 7pm-9pm, 5th July 2018.

Justice and Peace Group  –  meet next at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July at Moat Church – all welcome.

HM  PRISON & PROBATION SERVICE ARE LOOKING FOR PACT VOLUNTEERS – Pact Volunteers are helping people who are currently unable to access mainstream provision and require specialist one to one support to increase their social inclusion. You will find volunteering rewarding, enjoyable and there is so much that you will learn.  Above all you really WILL be helping to change others people’s lives for the better.

Some of the duties are:

Supporting and accompanying offenders to appointments and meetings.

Researching and developing links between offenders and local services.

Meeting with offenders in custody before release from prison and at the gate on the day of release (where appropriate).

On-going encouragement, building self-efficacy.

For more information:  Email: [email protected]  Call: 07876 836 232;



1)      3 – 5 July Come Follow Me…..£177 per person.  Exploring being a disciple of Christ, seeking guidance from the scriptures and others, sharing how his teachings can be put into practice.

2)     Individual retreats  Friday to Sunday 13-15th July.

3)     Day Retreat  –  Quiet Friday   13th July.

4)     Silent Retreat 16-19th July £265.  Led by a member of the monastic community.

For any contact Worth Bookings Secretary  01342 710318 email [email protected].

Rosary Bike Ride –  If you would like to support the pro-life cause – Good Counsel Network – please go to web page  or see me at Mass – I have a sponsor sheet.  Support can be in the form of sponsorship and/or praying the rosary.  God willing, the ride will start on 12th July.  Les Whittaker

theASCENT – Discipleship Process for Young People   – This October, theASCENT will be launching at Worth Abbey with the support of the diocese.  It’s a three-year discipleship process involving three weekend residentials a year and weekly online group sessions.  It’s open to anyone about to go into year 10, 11, or 12 and it’s designed to take people with a real interest in their faith and to help them to make a deeper commitment and to explore who God created them to be, while making a few friends and hopefully having some fun in the process.  For more details, or to apply, visit or contact [email protected]

EG Foodbank – require the following items which can be brought to church or left at the Jubilee Centre in Charlwoods Road: Tinned peas, tinned carrots, tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit, small jars of coffee, shampoo, toothbrushes – adult and childs – disposable razors and shaving foam – male and female, and good, strong, clean plastic bags.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE – welcomes sleeping bags, blankets, and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the door when the Centre is full.  In addition tinned and packet food is welcome as well as coffee, tea and sugar.  Please leave donated items at the back of church at OLSP and St. Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes also be donated at both churches, or taken directly to COH at Three Bridges.

Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash donation in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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