Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm Josie & Eamonn Tuke RIP
Sun 10.30am Eileen Laird RIP
Mon 12.30pm Requiem mass: Iolanda Renee Morris RIP
Tues No Mass
Wed 12.00pm Requiem mass: Lawrence Sapiecha RIP
Thur 9.30am Private Intention (MH)
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am Peter Neave RIP (fm)

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Philomena Tass RIP
Sun 10.30am Roland van Haeften Jr RIP

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income or the parish with no extra cost to the parishioner

2ND COLLECTION TODAY  –  Home Mission Sunday.  Can be gift-aided using the charity’s own envelopes.  Thank you.

BAPTISM  –  Ada May Veronica Berg  12.30 OLSP today.

MASS OF ANOINTING THE SICK  –  Wednesday 11.30am OLSP.

NEXT WEEK  –  2nd Collection  –  The St. Vincent de Paul Society.  Can be gift-aided using the charity’s own envelopes.

REQUIEM MASS  –  Monday 12.30 OLSP.  Renee` Morris RIP

Wednesday 12 noon OLSP  Lawrence Sapiecha RIP

SAT.8th/SUN 9th SEPTEMBER   – “SVP- Our Lady & St. Peter’s SVP group (Conference) currently operates with 6 visiting members and in 2017/18 made 254 visits to elderly people in their own homes, 166 to elderly people in residential homes, 26 hospital visits, gave 184 lifts to Mass, made 26 shopping trips and 160 hours in support of the running of the Parish Lunch Club.  If you would like to join us please contact Peter on 07484 330899.

Justice and Peace Group  – meet at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 September at Moat Church.  All welcome.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP  –  we will no longer be meeting in East Grinstead but continue to meet at Worth     Abbey during term time, on the 2nd and 4th(or 5thWednesdays of each month, in the Chapel of The Blessed Sacrament, from 7.45pm for 8 pm start, finishing by 8.45pm.  Visitors and new members are always welcome.

Catholic Women’s League   – will meet on Wednesday 12th. September in the parish centre 5:45 for 6pm.   Following business Frances Hawke will tell us about her recent holiday in Australia.

MISSION TODAY MAGAZINE  –  Complimentary copies of the Autumn edition are available from the church table at OL&StP for Missio box holders and any parishioner who would like to have one.

PARISH 100 CLUB  –  Congratulations to winners in the August draw: 1st, £50, no 64, Mr & Mrs Joyce; 2nd, £25, no 21, Mrs Jones; 3rd, £15, no 49, Mrs Cunnington.

Bishop Richard’s skydive for Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund  –  this event is set for 8am Friday 14 September in Salisbury and parishoners wishing to sponsor him should do so should put the money in their purple envelopes so that it can be gift aided, or just in a plain envelope  give both in to Father Steven next week with name and address.  Thank you.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OLSP   –  a training session for all interested in helping with children’s liturgy.  Saturday 15th September 10.30 – 12 in the hall.  All welcome.

Concert at Trinity – at 7pm on Saturday 15 September in aid of  EG Street Pastors and Prison Fellowship  at Trinity Methodist Church with Marion Small, Liam Bauress, St Peter’s School Singers, Bernard Glibard and Hilary Waddingham.  Donations appreciated.


Monday 17th September  12.30 OLSP  Iolanda  ‘Renee’ Morris RIP.

Wednesday 19th September  12 noon  OLSP Lawrence Sapiecha RIP.

O.L.& S.P Lunch Club   –  will meet after our Summer break on Wednesday 19th September for Lunch at 12.30pm.Please Ring Ivy (323240) or Jean (311295) if you are unable to come.

Confirmation  2019  –  Application forms for this year’s Confirmation preparation programme are now available in both churches. The completed forms need to be returned to Fr Steven by 7th October 2018. Young people wishing to be confirmed should be in Year 10 above.  A short information session about  this programme for both the young people and their parents will be held on 8th October 2018 in OLSP parish room at 8pm.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND RECONCILIATION 2019 – If you have a child in Year 4 primary school year or above and would like to enrol them on our programme, Please fill in an Application Form now available in your church.  This is strictly first come first served so please return as soon as possible.

Supporting Prayer Vigils  –  The pro-life movement is lobbying Home Secretary Sajid Javid, asking him not to ban peaceful prayerful vigils outside abortion clinics – a decision is expected before the end of September.  Please support this action – pre-printed postcards are available at OLSP – alternatively please sign the petition on SPUC’s website   Les Whittaker

Open House  – is facing a possible £250,000 cut in funds from West Sussex County Council from April 2019. COH has helped thousands of homeless and marginalised people since it was established in 1996 and has the support of all EG churches, local businesses and local people, as well as the wider West Sussex community.  If the cuts go ahead it will be disastrous for the work of COH and the people they help 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.  Please go to  for further information and sign the online petition asap.  You can also write a letter of support for COH to WSCC – Amanda Jupp. Cabinet Office, County Hall, Chichester,PO191RQ or emailamanda.jupp@westsussex   Paper petitions will also be available soon.

S.V.P CARAVAN HOLIDAY AT BOGNOR REGIS  –  The 6 berth caravan has full gas central heating and is double glazed the cost  £250.00 for a week. Suitable for a family with children not yet reached school age or ideal for a couple or two couples looking for a break to view the sites around the coast.  Available weeks Sept. 8th, 15th & 29th.  or Oct. 13th and 27th. Please contact  07788963909 for more details.

CRAWLEY AND REDHILL DEANERIES INITIAL SAFEGUARDING AWARENESS TRAINING  – A Refresher Training Programme is being rolled out from September 2018 starting with those who did their training in 2015.  Anyone who wishes to attend, please contact either me on or 01342 327109 or e-mail the Safeguarding Office direct on [email protected] Pentney (Safeguarding rep).

MS SOCIETY  –  The charity dinner in aid of The MS Society on Sept 24th is sold out with 90 people booked in. Please, if you have booked in can you let the restaurant know if you are unable to go so we can fill your space. If you were unable to book please ring and ask to go on the waiting list. Tele: 01342 325325/ 459672

3 COURSE CHARITY MEAL AT PIZZA EXPRESS  –  Monday 1st October  7pm for 7.30pm start.  £20 cash per head.  £8.00 will go towards 2 charities:  East Grinstead Museum & We Are Macmillan. Cancer  Support. Raffle on the night.  Champagne & Many other prizes.  With special thanks to Glanfield Food & Wine and EG Charcoal Grill.  Please book early to reserve your place. Tel: East Grinstead Pizza Express on 01342 313343.

FILIPINO BRITISH NURSES EXTRACARE EAST GRINSTEAD –  invite you with great pleasure on their Charity Dinner and Dance 5th year anniversary celebration Sat.  6th Oct, 2018  6-11pm @ Jubilee Comm. Centre, Charlwood Road E.G., RH19 2HL.  Admission Fee: £15pp Beneficiaries: E.G. Foodbank, E.G. Music and Arts Festival (EGMAF) and Montero Elementary School, Philippines.  Hope you can join & support us. RSVP Maribel:  07528694112  Danny: 07867846495.

worth abbey:  the open cloister   Coming up this October :

9th  – 11th October:  An introduction to St. Benedict – a retreat £177 per person.

26th -28th October: Teenagers’ Retreat – in collaboration with the Wellspring Community, Brighton £84 per person.

12th October:  Quiet Friday  –  day retreat.

Love in a Box – this will be happening in October and November so please save shoeboxes (with removable lids) now as these will be needed.  If anyone can knit, or donate, hats, scarves and gloves this would be very useful as we are always short of these items.  Further details from Sue Joy. 01342 835190.

EG Foodbank – require the following items which can be brought to church or left at the Jubilee Centre in Charlwoods Road:   pasta sauce, tinned soup, fruit juice longlife 1 litre, rice pudding, surface cleaner, small washing powder, or liquid for clothes washing.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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