Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm Philomena Tass RIP. Roland Van Haeften jr RIP
Sun 10.30am Philomena McDaid RIP. Vi & Bill Hayes RIP. Anthony Raymond Downes RIP
Mon 9.30am John & Tom McCann RIP
Tues 9.30am Sheila O’Neill RIP
Wed 9.30am Matthew Payne RIP (anniv). Margaret Wallace RIP
Thur 9.30am Margaret O’Sullivan
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am The Forbes Family – deceased friends & relatives RIP

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Sean Dowling RIP. Jonathon Henderson’s good estate
Sun 10.30am Celia Whelan RIP

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income or the parish with no extra cost to the parishioner

CORE GROUP MEETS  –  7pm Monday at The Presbytery.


CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY  –  next week.  2nd Collection.  Can be gift-aided using their envelopes.

LAY COMMUNITY OF ST BENEDICT – a rational group of all people of all ages and denominations, dedicated to the Gospel and the Spirituality of St. Benedict.  The local group exists and meets in the Friary Church Hall at Crawley on Saturday October 6th.  They would love anyone to join them for the afternoon 2-4pm to learn more about their Community and to share lectio and friendship.  Please see leaflets at the back and sign the list if you are interested in coming that afternoon.  You will be made most welcome.

EAST GRINSTEAD CATENIANS – This Saturday’s 6.15 mass is being offered for vocations by the East Grinstead Circle of the Catenian Association. Many of its members and their families will then enjoy a meal at Thai Siam. The Catenian Association is a Catholic faith-based friendship group for men who meet socially and support each other through fellowship, faith, family, fun and fundraising. To find out more on the Catenian Association, please call Paul Barrett on 01342 870058 or visit

SAT 22nd/SUN 23rd SEPTEMBER – “SVP – About the time of the feast of St. Vincent de Paul (27th September) the Patron Saint of Charitable Works, a second collection has been traditionally permitted by our Parish Clergy; in support of St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St. Peter Conferences. From us both, we offer our sincere thanks for your continuing support and generosity, in helping us to carry out the work that we do. We are still operating the “Cash4 Coins” system, so if you have any old or foreign currency that you wish to dispose of, we can exchange for Stirling currency Contact Jean on 01342 311295.

Love in a Box – this will be happening in October and November so please save shoeboxes (with removable lids) now as these will be needed.  If anyone can knit, or donate, hats, scarves and gloves this would be very useful as we are always short of these items.  Further details from Sue Joy. 01342 835190.

LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN – Thanks! Thanks! to those who came to the meeting on Saturday.  From 4th November there will be Liturgy of the Word for children every week at OLSP – except for the 2nd Sundays of the month. This will be for children of primary school age who will gather in the church to be led out into the Hall.  Many thanks, again, To those who have helped resurrect this ministry to children.

25TH ANNIVERSARY MASS – at St. Bernard’s, Lingfield Saturday 29th at 11.30: Gabriel and Brendan Joyce.

GROUNDS KEEPER/CARETAKER – St. Peter’s are looking for a part-time Grounds Keeper/Caretaker. The school is a Good school where the behaviour of children is Outstanding (Ofsted 2015). This is a grade 4-5 position depending on experience. 15 hours per week, term time only plus Inset days and weeks to be mutually agreed as overtime during school holidays (Basic pro-rata salary £6,092 – £6,434). Hours 7am – 10am.

The successful candidate will: Be enthusiastic, thoughtful and motivated. Be a keen gardener and take pride in maintaining and presenting the school. Be able to work as part of a team and equally able to use their own initiative. Be a good communicator. Applicants with previous experience and appropriate qualifications are preferred. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be subject to satisfactory reference checks and DBS clearance. Application form and job description can be found online. Should you require further details or want to come and visit, please contact the school office on 01342 321985 or email on [email protected]. For more information about our school please visit our website: The closing date for applications is 9am Wednesday 26th September 2018. Interviews will be held on: Friday 28th September 2018

Harvest food donations – Tinned and packet food are also welcome for Crawley Open House and EG Foodbank.  Please bring your contributions along the weekend of 6/7 October so we can give both charities a bumper amount.

CAFOD Family Fast Day – will be on Friday 5 October – envelopes will be given out next w/e.  At harvest time we celebrate and share the abundance that God has given us and we are asked to fast, pray and give. CAFOD invites us to eat simply – perhaps having a bowl of soup instead of a meal and give the money we save to help people in the poorest parts of the world.  Please return envelopes the w/e of 6/7 October.

CONFIRMATION 2019 – Application forms for this year’s Confirmation preparation programme are now available in both churches. The completed forms need to be returned to Fr Steven by 7th October 2018. Young people wishing to be confirmed should be in Year 10 above.  A short information session about this programme for both the young people and their parents will be held on 8th October 2018 in OLSP parish room at 8pm.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND RECONCILIATION 2019 – If you have a child in Year 4 primary school year or above and would like to enrol them on our programme, Please fill in an Application Form now available in your church.  This is strictly first come first served so please return as soon as possible.

Supporting Prayer VIGILS – The pro-life movement is lobbying Home Secretary Sajid Javid, asking him not to ban peaceful prayerful vigils outside abortion clinics – a decision is expected before the end of September.  Please support this action – pre-printed postcards are available at OLSP – alternatively please sign the petition on SPUC’s website   Les Whittaker

Help needed  –  The Hope Church, are working with the Dept of Work and Pensions, EG Foodbank and others to start a much needed Job Club for residents in East Grinstead and the surrounding villages, but help is needed.  If you feel that you could work alongside someone, fundamentally seeking work, but also needing some compassion and encouragement, or can help with basic computer skills, writing CVs, applying for jobs, preparing for interviews then please come along to a meeting at10.30 am on Saturday 27 October at the Jubilee Community Centre.  Training will be given. Or are you more geared towards administration and could help us network with local businesses, get policies and procedures in place? Please RSVP to Julia Harris at [email protected]


9th – 11th October – An introduction to St. Benedict – a retreat. £177 per person.

26th – 28th October – Teenagers’ Retreat in collaboration with the Wellspring Community, Brighton £84 per person.

12th October – Quiet Friday – Day Retreat.

3 COURSE CHARITY MEAL AT PIZZA EXPRESS – Monday 1st October 7pm for 7.30pm start.  £20 cash per head.  £8.00 will go towards 2 charities:  East Grinstead Museum & We Are Macmillan. Cancer Support. Raffle on the night.  Champagne & Many other prizes.  With special thanks to Glanfield Food & Wine and EG Charcoal Grill.  Please book early to reserve your place. Tel: East Grinstead Pizza Express on 01342 313343.

FILIPINO BRITISH NURSES EXTRACARE EAST GRINSTEAD – invite you with great pleasure on their Charity Dinner and Dance 5th year anniversary celebration Sat. 6th Oct, 2018 6-11pm @ Jubilee Comm. Centre, Charlwood Road E.G., RH19 2HL.  Admission Fee: £15pp Beneficiaries: E.G. Foodbank, E.G. Music and Arts Festival (EGMAF) and Montero Elementary School, Philippines.  Hope you can join & support us. RSVP Maribel: 07528694112 / Danny: 07867846495.

Peace Vigil for Peace – Sunday 14 October at Moat church at 3pm – please support. Ecumenical Peace

Service at Chichester Cathedral at 3.30pm on Remembrance Sunday 11 November. Coach leaving EG at 1pm. Contact Cost £10. Sue Joy for further details. Tel: 835190. Email: [email protected]

EG Foodbank – require the following items which can be brought to church or left at the Jubilee Centre in Charlwoods Road:   items to pasta sauce, tinned soup, tinned fruit, rice pudding, tinned custard, tinned ham, hot dogs, dried pasta 550g, meatballs, tinned fish (tuna), chopped tomatoes, jam, tinned pasta e.g. spaghetti hoops), coffee small jars, shower gel.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE – welcomes sleeping bags, blankets, and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the door when the Centre is full.  In addition tinned and packet food is welcome as well as coffee, tea and sugar.  Please leave donated items at the back of church at OLSP and St. Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes also be donated at both churches, or taken directly to COH at Three Bridges.  Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash donation in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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