Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm Pauline Hughes RIP
Sun 10.30am Donald Wallace RIP
Mon 9.30am Rosalie Barnes RIP
Tues 9.30am Madeleine Leftwich RIP (anniv)
Wed 9.30am St. Peter’s School
Thur 9.30am New Catholics
Fri 9.00am Adoration
Sat 9.30am Sophia Stocken

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Survive Miva
Sun 10.30am Jeanne Bell RIP. Kieran Englishby RIP

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am,
5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS –  requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT –  “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-12:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS –  Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS –  The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS –  can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income or the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners


Clara Amanda Graham & Amelia Katlin Graham.

SURVIVE MIVA APPEAL  –  next week – for their work in providing wasport for missionaries etc.

WEDDING  –  Saturday 16th  12.30  OLSP.

LINGFIELD SVP CAKE SALE  –  After the 9am Mass this Sunday 17th June the SVP will hold a cake sale in the Hall, with all proceeds for the SVP’s Baby Feeding Programme in South Sudan.

MISSION TODAY MAGAZINE – Complimentary copies of the Summer edition of the magazine are available from the church table at OL&StP.

MISSIO RED BOXES  – Would box holders at OL&StP please bring their boxes to church for half-year counting. Please hand the box to Father Steven or deliver into the sacristy, don’t leave it anywhere else. If your box is normally counted at home, this will happen as usual and if you have any queries, just contact Margaret or Chris on 327002.

THANK YOU  – for your generosity in recent special collections, also for the offerings in the Lourdes Lenten boxes. Lenten boxes: £1,344; The Education of Future Priests: £565; The Catholic Communications Network: £495 The Missionary Endeavour of the Diocese: £434.

APF RED BOXES:  2017 results –

East Grinstead  £2,676.07  –  an increase of over £450!

Lingfield  £952.65  –  an increase of over £300!

Well done!

PARISH MAGAZINE – The deadline of 17 June is nearly upon us, but in the interest of having a full issue, it has now been extended to the end of the month. So if you have anything in mind that you would like to contribute, there is still a little time. Submissions can be emailed to me at [email protected]. Alternatively, contributions can be addressed to Klara King and left on the table at the back of the church.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP – EAST GRINSTEAD   –  We are taking a short break. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 28th June, from 7.30-8.30pm in the Parish Centre/Church Hall.

EAST GRINSTEAD CATENIANS – The East Grinstead Circle of the Catenian Association will meet at the Dorset Arms, High Street, East Grinstead on Monday,18th June at 8.00 p.m.  Members, their families and friends are also reminded of the family quiz on 23 June and the bowling afternoon at Mount Noddy on 24 June. The Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of practising Catholic laymen who meet socially, at least once a month. To find out more on the Catenian Association. please call Paul Barrett on 01342 870058 or visit

OUR LADY & ST PETER’S LUNCH CLUB –  meet on MONDAY 18th June for our Outing on the Bluebell Train to Sheffield Park departure 11.45am.  We will enjoy a 2 course Lunch at the Bessemer Arms on the Station and have time to visit the Museum and shop. Lifts have been arranged to East Grinstead Station, your driver will collect around 11am. Ring Jean (311295) Ivy (323240) or your driver if you are not able to come.

Cake & Plant Sale – Next Weekend    Please note the Gospel of Life Group’s sale takes place after Mass at OLSP next Saturday and Sunday.   If you have any plants or cakes donations you would like picked up from home, please contract Les on 315484 or 07502 274450, or drop them at OLSP  ahead of Mass, ideally on Saturday evening.  Supporting a Downs Syndrome cause.

FAMILY QUIZ FOR YOUNG GOING TO LOURDES – To raise money to support young parishioners going on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes in July as either ‘Blue shirt’ (Roisin Bell, Charlie O’Neill and Jesse O’Sullivan) or ‘Red shirt’ (Grace Donohue) helpers, the East Grinstead Catenians are organising a Family Quiz next Saturday, 23rd June at St. Peter’s School, Crossways Avenue, at 7 for 7.30. Cost £10 per head to include a fish and chip supper. Cash bar available. Teams of up to 6. Tickets are available after masses or by calling John Donohue on 01342 326552. If you can’t make it but would like to support the young people, donations of raffle prizes will be gratefully received.

ENCOUNTER EVENING (FOR 15-30s) FRIDAY 29th, CRAWLEY  –  The ENCOUNTER programme is a great way for older teenagers and young adults to make friends and to deepen their faith in a relaxed, welcoming environment. The next evening in this area will be on Friday 29th, 7.30pm at St Wilfrid’s School in Crawley (RH11 8PG). Entry is free, and everyone aged 15-30 is welcome. Our guest speaker will be Michelle Harrison, and as usual there will be refreshments, music, friendly people, and (for over 18s) a trip to the pub afterwards. For more information, search for ‘ENCOUNTER Crawley’ on Facebook.

A SHORT SURVEY FOR RECENT CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES  –  Bishop Richard is currently holding a consultation on how we prepare people for confirmation.  If you’ve recently been confirmed then we’d like to hear from you. We’ve created a short survey which you can access on line -  We would also ask parents to pass this on to their children who have recently been confirmed if possible.

Justice and Peace Group   Sleep Out overnight on Saturday 30 June – our 28th – to raise money for Crawley Open House, The Easter Team and Worthing Churches Homeless Project  We will be seeking sponsorship at weekend Masses from 9/10 June onwards.  There will also be a street collection on the morning of that day – OLSP slot is from 9-10am – if anyone can hold a collecting tin in EG at that time we would be very happy to have you as a volunteer.  Also, if you would like to join us at the Sleep Out you would be welcome as well. Further details from Sue Joy 01342 835190.


1)3 – 5 July Come Follow Me…..£177 per person.  Exploring being a disciple of Christ, seeking guidance from the scriptures and others, sharing how his teachings can be put into practice.

2)     Individual retreats  Friday to Sunday 13-15th July.

3)     Day Retreat  –  Quiet Friday   13th July.

4)     Silent Retreat 16-19th July £265.  Led by a member of the monastic community.

For any contact Worth Bookings Secretary  01342 710318 email [email protected].

ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION GROUP SUSTAINABILITY WORKSHOP  – as part of the CAFOD “Speak up!” week of action; The E.C.G invite you to a talk and workshop on why we should care about climate change and habitat destruction. They will present how small changes in our daily lives can positively affect our relationships with God, ourselves, our global neighbours and our planet.  St. Bernard’s Church hall, 7pm-9pm, 5th July 2018.

Rosary Bike Ride –  If you would like to support the pro-life cause – Good Counsel Network – please go to web page  or see me at Mass – I have a sponsor sheet.  Support can be in the form of sponsorship and/or praying the rosary.  God willing, the ride will start on 12th July.  Les Whittaker

theASCENT – Discipleship Process for Young People   – This October, theASCENT will be launching at Worth Abbey with the support of the diocese.  It’s a three-year discipleship process involving three weekend residentials a year and weekly online group sessions.  It’s open to anyone about to go into year 10, 11, or 12 and it’s designed to take people with a real interest in their faith and to help them to make a deeper commitment and to explore who God created them to be, while making a few friends and hopefully having some fun in the process.  For more details, or to apply, visit or contact [email protected]

EG Foodbank –   require the following items which can be brought to church or left at the Jubilee Centre in Charlwoods Road.  Disposable razors-male and female, shaving foam, tinned peas, tinned carrots, tinned fruit, jars of coffee, tinned meat, shampoo – male and female, toothbrushes – adults and children, good strong plastic bags.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE – welcomes sleeping bags, blankets, and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the Door when the Centre is full.  In addition tinned and packet food is welcome as well as coffee, tea and sugar.  Please leave donated items at the back of church at OLSP and St. Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes also be donated at both churches, or taken directly to COH at Three Bridges. Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash donation in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP – desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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