
Masses this weekend

Sat. 6.15pm Deceased friends and relatives of the Carter Family RIP
Sun 10.30 Deceased friends & relatives of the Smyth Family RIP
Mon. 9.30am No mass
Tues. 9.30am Henry Pascua, Hannah Mongal, Melinda Vargas RIP
Wed. 9.30am Mary & Leslie Newby RIP
Thurs. 9.30pm No mass
Fri. 9.00am Adoration
Sat. 9.30am John & Julia Smith & Family RIP

Masses next weekend

Sat. 6.15pm  Patrick Barrett RIP Liam Hough RIP (1st anniv)
Sun. 10:30am  Sir Walter Blount RIP (anniv)

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead 10:00am – 10:30am, 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Lingfield: 8:15am – 8:45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS – requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-1:00pm. Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS – Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS – The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate. Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS – can be taken out at anytime throughout the year. It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners.

WE  WELCOME  FR. KEVIN OSB  –  from Worth Abbey who will be celebrating the Masses.

TODAY, 11TH December, PARISH CHRISTMAS LUNCH  –  in St. Bernard’s hall, gathering from 12.30 pm for lunch at 1.00 pm. The meal will be a traditional Christmas Lunch.  The arrangements will be as at the previous parish lunches:  soft drinks will be provided but please bring your own alcoholic drinks; pre-booking is not required – just come along if you wish; there is no charge but there will be a voluntary donations basket.  Everyone is welcome – from all corner of the parish.

PARISH 100 CLUB  – Congratulations to winners in the November draw: 1st, £50, no 76, Mrs Davies; 2nd, £25, no 111, Mrs O’Neill; 3rd, £15, no 79, Mr Daszewski.

2ND COLLECTION NEXT  WEEK & APPEAL  –  Aid to the Church in Need.

COUNTED MISSIO RED BOXES  –  Would OL&StP boxholders please collect their counted boxes from the windowsill close to the choir loft door.  Thank you for your generosity.

OUR LADY & ST PETERS LUNCH CLUB   –  meet on Wednesday 14th December for our Christmas Lunch at 12 o’clock.  Please ring Ivy (323240) Jean (311295) or your Driver if you are not able to come.

CAROL SINGING AT THE STATION THURSDAY 15th December 5.30pm  –  As usual, our choir and band will be leading the Carol singing at East Grinstead Station.  All proceeds go to St Catherine’s Hospice.  Last year we raised close on £300.  Let Liam know by email if you would like to tag along.  We will provide the hymn books.  [email protected]

MULLED WINE SOCIAL  –  After 10:30 Mass next Sunday, everybody is invited for mulled wine and hot sausage rolls in the Parish Centre. There will be a charity plate and a special double-draw for prizes in the Parish 100 Club.

Christmas Greetings  –  if you wish to add your message on the Christmas greeting list to be available for the week of 17/18 December, please hand in your contributions to the Sacristy (especially if you are enclosing cash) by Wed 14 December please.  Cheques should be made payable to CAFOD which is the nominated charity for this method of Christmas communication as an alternative/addition to Christmas cards.  Alternatively you can ring Sue Joy on 01342 835190 and dictate your message on the answerphone, or to Sue if you can catch her in!  Last option email: [email protected]


BIG CHURCH CLEAN  –  at OLSP –  10am onwards – Monday 19th.  Please come along and help if you are available.

MISSION TODAY 2017 CALENDAR  – Complimentary copies of the calendar are available from the church table for Missio members and any parishioner who would like to have one.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP  –  East Grinstead. We are now having a break for Christmas and the New Year and will meet again in 2017.

Advent Tree – please take a label from the Advent Tree and bring the item along for Crawley Open House for the big Christmas donations push.  Thank you.

“SVP  –  Dear parishioners, there are now several Catholics living at Forest Lodge, Portland Road, East Grinstead, and there is a need to provide lifts to Sunday 10.30am  Mass.  If anyone is able to give a lift from there on Sunday mornings, my intention is to set up a rota, as we do with other ministries.  If you are able to help please ring me, Peter Wells on 01342 811543.  Leave a message if necessary.”

CAFOD World Gifts  – are a way to give fun and meaningful Christmas gifts to the people you love, and make a difference to some of the poorest communities around the world at the same time.  Each gift comes with a beautiful gift card, and you can choose to send trees, a goat, or even a camel!

“arundel & brighton diocesan pilgrimage to lourdes  –  27th July to 4th August  2017 – online applications will be open soon  –  check the Pilgrimage website for details   Pilgrims requiring any level of medical, nursing or carer assistance, or those without access to the internet, should contact the Pilgrimage Office direct for a paper application form on 01403 740110.”

ST PETER’S SCHOOL  –  If your child was born between 1st Sept. 2012 –  31st August  2013, you are now in the process of making a big decision about their primary school.  The school will be hosting information meetings for parents to hear about the school and tour around the site.  You are warmly invited to attend on –

Friday 6th January  2017  9.30am  – 10.30am.  Please contact the School Office (01342 321985) to book a place.

EG Foodbank  –  requires the following please:  sponge puddings, single adult toothbrushes, small boxes of washing powder, male and female deodorant, and male and female razors.  Please leave donated items at Jubilee Community Centre in Charlwood Road or bring to Church and leave in the box near the main door.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE –  is desperately short of blankets, sleeping bags and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the door when it is full. Toilet rolls, UHT milk, sponge puddings, sugar and tinned meat are particularly required at present but any tinned and packet food is welcome plus tea and coffee.  Please leave donated items at the back of the church at Our Lady and St Peter’s and at St Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes to be taken to OLSP, or taken directly to COH near Three Bridges in Crawley. Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash contribution in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf. Thank you.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP –  urgently require medium sized jogging bottoms and Trainers size 9 &10.


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