
Masses this weekend

Sat. 6.15pm Deceased friends & relatives of the Webb Family RIP (fm)
Deceased members of EG Catenian Circle RIP
Sun 10.30 Peter Kelleher RIP
Mon. 9.30am Mary Smith RIP
Good estate of Victoria Gilberto
Tues. 9.30am No mass
Wed. 11.30am Mass for the annointing of the sick
Josie & Eamonn Tuke RIP
Lydia Joy RIP (anniv)
Thurs. Osvaldo Tramontin RIP (anniv)
Charles Wade RIP
Fri. 9.00am Mass  the Exposition & Adoration
Sat. 9.30am Maura Dillon RIP (fm)

Masses next weekend

Sat. 6.15pm Mary Guiney RIP
Deceased friends & relatives of the
Jackson & Webb Families RIP
Sun. 10:30am Deceased friends & relatives of Margaret Slaney RIP

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead 10:00am – 10:30am, 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Lingfield: 8:15am – 8:45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS – requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-1:00pm. Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS – Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS – The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate. Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS – can be taken out at anytime throughout the year. It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners.

TODAY  –  Remembrance Sunday.

PASTORAL  LETTER  –  From Bishop Richard – today.

APF  –  MILL HILL APPEAL   –  OLSP donations for 2015 was  £2,552.33p.

St. Bernard’s donations – £1,065.17.  Thank you.

NEXT WEEK  –  Second Collection  –  for Haiti – Emergency Appeal.  Thank you.

NEXT WEEK  –  Christ the King –  ending the Church’s Year.

PARISH 100 CLUB  – Congratulations to winners in the October draw: 1st, £50, no 26, Mrs Greenacre; 2nd, £25, no 85, Mr Curran; 3rd, £15, no 75, Mr 7 Mrs Mulhearn.

Love-in-a-box  –   thanks to all those parishioners who have donated shoeboxes for this very worthwhile scheme.  There is still some leeway on dates so if you haven’t done a box, or not completed it yet, don’t panic as there is still time BUT please bring it to church by Sunday 19 November.  Sue Joy EG 825190.  Enrique Valles. EG 832568.

MISSIO RED BOXES  –  will East Grinstead red box holders please bring their red boxes to church now for year-end counting.  Please leave your box in the sacristy, not anywhere else in the church. If your box is normally counted at home this will happen as normal or if you would like for your box to be collected or you have any other queries, please contact Chris and Margaret on 327002. Thank you.

Angel Tree  –  a charity providing gifts to the children of prisoners hoping to lessen the devastation experienced as a result of parental absence by not only helping families to connect and build relationships, but by providing children with much needed joy.  If you make a donation please contact Valerie Maynard who works with the local Prison Fellowship and Martells to provide gifts at Lewes Prison. Tel: 01342 326896.

EAST GRINSTEAD CATENIANS  –  This weekend’s 6.15pm mass on Saturday is being offered for the deceased Brothers of the East Grinstead  Catenian Circle.  It also marks the start of a busy social week for the Catenian Circle which is holding a snooker evening on Wednesday 16th and a wine and cheese evening on Friday 18th.The Catenian Association is is an international brotherhood of practising Catholic laymen who meet socially, at least once a month.To find out more on the Catenian Association. please call Bill Blackledge on 01342 317599.

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS EAST GRINSTEAD and WORTH ABBEY –  In East Grinstead, the group meets each Thursday from 7.30-8.30 pm in the Parish Centre at Our Lady and Saint Peter’s.  At Worth Abbey, the group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 8 pm in the Blessed Sacrament chapel.  For details of forth coming meetings, please see leaflets at the back of the church. Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information please contact Gabrielle Joyce 326118.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, 13TH NOVEMBER  –  Following the Service of Remembrance at the Lingfield War Memorial at 10.45am  Mulled Wine will be served in St Bernard’s Church Hall.  All will be invited as usual.

OUR LADY & ST PETERS LUNCH CLUB  –  meet on Wednesday 16th November.  Fr Steven will say an anointing Mass at 11.30 am followed by Lunch at 12.30 pm.  Reminder we have our Raffle this month.

Please ring Ivy(323240) Jean(311295) or your driver if unable to attend.  Our Lunch Club has been chosen by Waitrose as one of their charities for this month.  If you shop in store please remember us when placing your green token.

The year of Mercy  – will draw to a close on November 20th. To mark this time and to celebrate 3 years of weekly Adoration at OLSP parish, we will have a special Mass on Friday 18th

November at 9am. This will be followed by the usual period of Adoration until 1pm. It would be wonderful if we had many more Adorers on this day as we did during “12 hours for the Lord” in March.  Everyone is welcome.

Parish Magazine  –  Our next issue is planned for before Christmas, so we need contributions by the 20th of November: from members of any of the parish organizations, societies, clubs, etc., from any other church, charitable, or ecological, etc., organizations, or, indeed any other articles or poems that may interest members of the parish. Submissions can, as usual, be left at the back of the church, addressed to Klara King, or, preferably, emailed to me at [email protected]

“The next Traidcraft sale  – will be after both masses on 26th/27th November.  Can you let me know ASAP if you need Advent Calendars as there will not be enough time to order these before Advent.  Please contact Mike and Tina Causton on 311435 or [email protected]. Or Margaret and Chris Vasey on 834436 or [email protected] ”

ST PETER’S SCHOOL  –  If your child was born between 1st Sept. 2012 –  31st August  2013, you are now in the process of making a big decision about their primary school.  The school will be hosting information meetings for parents to hear about the school and tour around the site.  You are warmly invited to attend on either  –

Wednesday  30th Nov. 2016   9.30am  –  10.30am or  Friday 6th January        2017   9.30am  –  10.30am

Please contact  the School Office (01342 321985) to book a place.

CHARITY JAZZ EVENING  –  featuring the Phillip Dodd Quartet – 3rd December from 7.30 until 10.30 at The Auditorium, Notre Dame School, Lingfield.  Evening is in support of the baby feeding programme in the Sudan and education sponsorships in the Holy Land.

Tickets are £15 each including fish and chip supper with a raffle and licensed bar and are available from:

Sally Martin Tel: 01342 832283 or Angeline Rosner Tel: 01342 832665/078893 323431 or Email: [email protected]

PETER’S SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAIR 2016 SATURDAY 3RD DECEMBER  –  is fast approaching!  It promises to be its usual festive event and more including: Santa’s Grotto, Raffles, Face Painting, Xmas Crafts, lots of games with prizes to win, Teddy Adoption, Outside Traders, Fair trade stall, cakes and lots of yummy refreshments, to name but a few!  Donations of Raffle Prizes always welcome too.  Please come along and enjoy the fun!

PARISH CHRISTMAS LUNCH:  Sunday 11th December   –  in St. Bernard’s hall, gathering from 12.30 pm for lunch at 1.00 pm.  The meal will be a traditional Christmas Lunch.  The arrangements will be as at the previous parish lunches:  soft drinks will be provided but please bring your own alcoholic drinks; pre-booking is not required – just come along if you wish; there is no charge but there will be a voluntary donations basket.  Everyone is welcome – from all corners of the parish.

EG Foodbank  –  requires the following please:  nappies size 4,5 &6, shower, gel, washing up liquid, small and medium sized packs of washing powder, surface cleaner, toilet rolls – 2 pack and 4 packs, and kitchen rolls. Please leave donated items at Jubilee Community Centre in Charlwood Road or bring to Church and leave in the box near the main door.

CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE –  is desperately short of blankets, sleeping bags and flasks to give to homeless people who turn up at the door when it is full. Toilet rolls, UHT milk, sugar and tinned meat are particularly required at present but any tinned and packet food is welcome plus tea and coffee.  Please leave donated items at the back of the church at Our Lady and St Peter’s and at St Bernard’s.  Larger items, including duvets and clothes to be taken to OLSP, or taken directly to COH near Three Bridges in Crawley. Tel: 01293 447702. Alternatively, if you prefer, please leave a cash contribution in the basket and the SVP will purchase items on your behalf. Thank you.

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP –  urgently require medium sized jogging bottoms and Trainers size 9 &10.

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