Masses for week commencing 19/20th 2019 EAST GRINSTEAD   –   Our Lady & St. Peter
Sat 6:15pm (Vigil)      Margaret Bozzini RIP
Sun 10:30am              Margaret Murphy (1st anniv) RIP
Mon 9:30am               Maria Rosario
Tue 12:15pm                Funeral Mass – Michael Cassidy
Wed 9:30am               Our Schools
Thurs 9:30am             Parish & People
Fri  9.30am                  No Mass 12:00am                      Rosary group – OLSP Parish Hall
Sat  6:15pm (Vigil)     Sacred Heart
Sun 10:30am             World Mission
LINGFIELD    –   St. Bernard’s
Sun.    9:00am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS – requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

REFRESHMENTS – Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s at 09:00am and the Holy Rosary follows at 12:00pm. Come let us adore Him.”

WILLS & BEQUESTS – Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS – can be taken out – at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners.

TODAY 2ND COLLECTION  –  Missio (APF)  Gift aid, using the Charity’s own envelopes.

TODAY  – there is no Liturgy of the Word for Children.

Thank you  –  to everyone who attended the RDA charity meal we raised £1000.

FUNERAL MASS  –  Michael Cassidy 22nd October 12.15pm OLSP. 18th november Monday 7.00pm  –  Induction of Fr. Jack Lusted as Parish Priest by Richard, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton.

Confirmation –  Congratulations again to the young people confirmed earlier this year. Confirmation Certificates will be given out at the 10.30 mass this weekend. We celebrate with them this significant step on their faith journey. The preparation programme for Confirmation 2020 will commence in January. Application forms will be available well beforehand. A key date to note: Worth weekend away is 27-29 March 2020.”

PARISH ROSARY GROUP  – Please note the Rosary Group continues to meet on Fridays in the hall at OLSP during refurbishment work.  Commences at 12.00 noon with the Angelus and finishes 12.30-12.40.  All welcome.

EAST GRINSTEAD CATENIANS. The East Grinstead Circle of the Catenian Association will meet at the Dorset Arms, High Street, East Grinstead on Monday, 21st October at 8.00 p.m.  Members are also reminded about  the pub meal and bonfire at Lindfield on 5th November and the annual snooker evening on 12th November. The Catenian Association is a Catholic faith-based friendship group for men who meet socially and support each other through fellowship, faith, family, fun and fundraising.To find out more on the Catenian Association. please call Paul Barrett on 01342 870058 or visit

HOLY COMMUNION 2020  –  Application forms are now available at Our Lady and St. Peter’s church, East Grinstead and St. Bernard’s church Lingfield for enrolment  in our First Holy Communion programme.  We are happy to invite all children in Year 4 school year or above.  The forms will be at the back of the churches and need to be handed in by Friday 11th October.  If you have any queries please ring Eileen Lyons on 01342 317424 or Fr. Jack Lusted on 01342 325705.

St  Peter’s School –  open mornings for admissions to school in the academic year 2020/1 will take place on Thursday 17 Oct,  Thursday 14 November and Tuesday 19 Nov from 9.30-10.30am.  Leaflets and posters available at the back of Church. Further details from 01342 321985.

PARISH MAGAZINE  – Our next issue is planned for November:  we will need contributions by the end of October.  Contributions are more than welcome from parish organizations, societies, clubs, anything in connection with the Parish, the Diocese, the Church, from charitable, or ecological, and similar organizations, from anyone who has been to Rome, the Holy Land, or on a pilgrimage to a shrine… and, indeed, articles or poems that may interest members of the parish. Submissions can be left at the back of the church, addressed to Klara King, or, preferably, emailed to me at [email protected]

Love in a Box – leaflets from Mustard Seed are available from both churches this weekend.  Please fill a shoebox (with detachable lid) with goodies for disadvantaged children in Moldova.  Please read the leaflet carefully and do include a hat, scarf and gloves if possible. Info about Mustard Seed from  If you cannot do a box please consider a donation to this much loved scheme which we have been supporting for over 20 years. Cheques to Mustard Seed Relief Missions – please leave in an envelope with Father Jack.  Please return boxes by 10 November. Further information from Sue Joy EG 835190 or Enrique Valles EG 832568.

Recollections for women –  at Wickenden Manor, Chilling Street, Sharpthorne, RH19 4JB, for October will be on the Wednesday 9th at 19.15 and Thursday 10th at 11am.  November, 13th and 14th. December, 11th and 12th same times.  Recollection for Mothers with little children, 24th October and 28th November.

Mental Health Matters – 7.15-9pm on 16 and 23 October at St John’s Church, Felbridge, £5 per evening to include a two course meal.  Led by Chris Munday, CEO of Crossways in Tunbridge Wells the meetings will focus on Getting Grips with Mental Health  and Recognising the Main Types of Mental Illness. To book your place contact St John’s office on 01342 314027 of email: [email protected]

Meridian  Rotary  –  are organising a Charity Fundraising Dinner for Rotary Youth initiatives and Rotary charities. They are pleased to invite you to join them at Hay & Straw restaurant, on Monday 28th October at 7 p.m. 16th High St, East Grinstead, RH19 3AW. Tickets are just £20 each.  For tickets please email [email protected] or call 01342326627.”

AUTUMN CHARITY FEAST 2019   –  A CHARITY FEAST IS TAKING PLACE OVER 4 NIGHTS Tue  22  October  –  Hay & Straw  –  East Grinstead  –  Italian Food  –  01342 322699. Mon 28 October – Gurkha@The Woodcock Inn – Felbridge – A taste of The Himalayas – 01342 325325.

Please Book Early to Reserve Your Place.   Please Arrive 6.30pm For a 7pm Start For All Restaurants.


Crawley Open House; The East Grinstead Foodbank; Crawley Prison Fellowship; Age UK East Grinstead & District; East Grinstead & District Mental Health Association.

JOB: SCHOOL CHAPLAIN/DEANERY YOUTH WORKER, WORTHING. SALARY: £30,500  –  Four parishes in the Worthing area, together with Chatsmore Catholic High School, are looking for somebody with experience and vision to lead a groundbreaking project delivering quality youth ministry across the Worthing area.  It’s about delivering chaplaincy services in a vibrant Catholic High School, and creating opportunities to engage young people across three parishes in Worthing and one in Shoreham.  For more information or an application pack, please contact [email protected] Application packs are available at:

Crawley Refugee Welcome Group Quiz Night   Saturday 9th November at 7.00pm. Great raffle prizes! All proceeds to Refugees Welcome Crawley. Tickets £10 to include a Syrian buffet supper. Bring your own drinks. At: United Reformed Church, Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill, Crawley RH10 3DF.Form your own team of 6 or join up with others on arrival. To book your place, email Cathy [email protected] or call 07968 688380. Pay on arrival.

EG Foodbank Charity Quiz Night – Saturday 9 November from 7.30-10pm at Jubilee Community Centre. £5 per person. 8 People per team. Further details and tickets from Tony Cox or Lucy Tribe at [email protected]

THE BIG ENCOUNTER 2019 – YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS FESTIVAL – Our Annual Diocesan Festival for Young People and Young Adults (15-35 or thereabouts) is happening on Saturday November 9th at St Dunstan’s Church in Woking. Doors open at 3.30pm, programme starts at 4pm, and we end with Mass at 6pm which will be celebrated by Bishop Richard. The keynote speaker for the event will be Father David King, one of our most popular speakers. There will be live music, creative prayer, food, and a chance to make some friends. For more information, check out or contact [email protected]

YOU ARE INVITED TO A CHARITY FUNDRAISING DINNER  –  in aid of the East Grinstead branch of  MS Society on Monday 18th November at 6.30pm for 6.45pm at The Gurkha, The Woodcock Inn, Felbridge.  To book ring the restaurant on 01342 325325/459672 and Quote the MS Charity Dinner Monday Nov. 18th.

EG  Foodbank  ITEMS  –  needs are now toilet paper, soups, cuppa soups, shampoo, shower gel, UHT milk green Longlife 1 litre, washing up liquid, kitchen surface cleaner spray and bags for life. Thank you.

CRAWLEY OPEN  HOUSE  – thanks from the staff for all your donations of bedding – at present they have enough stock BUT they are desperately short of tinned and packet food, tea, coffee etc.  Please up your donations for this amazing charity which is helping homeless people 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.  Bring items to Church or drop off at COH in Three Bridges.  Another way of supporting COH is to become part of the Be 1 in a 1000 scheme –see website for details

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP –  desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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