Masses for week commencing 27/28 July 2019
EAST GRINSTEAD   –     Our Lady & St. Peter
Sat 6:15pm (Vigil)      Dawn Bullock RIP
Sun 10:30am              Celeste Berry RIP (1st anniv)
Mon 9:30am               Teresa Still. Joanna Thomas
Tue 9:30am                 Joseph O’Grady
Wed 9:30am                Joseph Tuke RIP
Thurs 9:30am             Marguerite & Clare Blount RIP (fm)
Fri 12:00am Rosary OLSP Parish Hall
Sat      6:15pm (Vigil)     Parish & People
Sun  10:30am               Sylvia Herring RIP
LINGFIELD    –   St. Bernard’s
Sun.    9:00am                    

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS – requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

REFRESHMENTS – Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s at 09:00am and the Holy Rosary follows at 12:00pm. Come let us adore Him.”

WILLS & BEQUESTS – Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate.  Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS – can be taken out – at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners.

Our Lady & St Peter’s – Refurbishment Project  – Work will commence on the Parish Hall WC’s on Monday 22nd July with the demolition of walls and will progress for a period of five weeks. When completed, the Hall WC’s will consist of three unisex WC’s one of which will be a fully accessible WC.  The Hall, (without WC’s) will be useable during this period. The contractor can access the Hall WC’s from the rear fire escape and will protect the doors between the Hall and the WC’s. Internal work within the Church will commence on Monday 29 July with the erection of fixed scaffolding around the altar and over the baldachino. The contractor will also use a mobile scaffolding tower for access to upper levels to carry out redecoration. This mobile tower will be parked at the rear of the Church for weekend services and the three seats ‘lost’ will be temporarily relocated within the Church so that there is no overall loss of seating.  Holy Mass will be held in the Parish Hall on weekdays, commencing on Monday 29 July.  Arrangements will be made for the WC behind the Sacristy to be available to parishioners attending weekday Mass in the Hall. Refurbishment of the existing WC to the rear of the Sacristy will not commence until the Hall WC Refurbishment has been completed. The organ will be protected throughout the redecoration and will remain accessible. The contractor will investigate the loose and deflecting patch in the woodblock floor in the central aisle week commencing 22nd July and you are asked to try and avoid walking on it in the meantime, if possible.

PARISH ROSARY GROUP  – will meet in the hall at OLSP throughout August on Friday’s, commencing 12.00 noon. All welcome – praying the rosary, with meditations, takes 30-40 minutes.

FRIDAY ADORATION AT OUR LADY & ST PETERS  – As a consequence of imminent work by our contractors within the church interior, Adoration on Friday mornings is suspended for the duration.  Thank you to our loyal worshippers. We hope to reintroduce Adoration when the work is completed, please watch the newsletter.

liturgy of the word for children  –  no Liturgy. Beginning of Summer holidays.

Fairtrade Sale  –  will be after both masses this weekend 20th/21st July.   Any special orders please contact Mike and Tina Causton on 311435 email[email protected] or Chris and Margaret Vasey on 834436 email [email protected]

COUNTED MISSIO RED BOXES  –  Would OL&StP box holders please collect their counted boxes from the window sill close to the choir loft door.  Boxes for counting are still welcome, please bring them to the sacristy.

SVP – THE SVP CARAVAN HOLIDAYS  –  at Riverside Holiday Centre, Bognor Regis, are now fully booked for the school holidays 2019, and sponsored by our Conferences throughout A&B.  In addition, there is availability for weeks in September and October 2019, ideal for a family with under school-age children or couples.  At £250 per week, this is a bargain, the normal price being about £700 for this 6 berth luxury Caravan.  Interested?  Please contact Peter Wells 07484 330899.”

Mon 2 September  Charity meal  –  raising money for the church restoration at the Gurkha@the Woodcock Inn – £20 for a 3 course meal – £8 will go to the restoration fund.  Arrive 6.45pm for a 7.15pm start.  Please phone 01342 325325 to book your places.



Tue  1 October  –  Quartol  –  East Grinstead  –  Turkish Food  –  01342 323649.

Mon  14  October  –  Paglia e Fieno  –  East Grinstead  –  Italian Food  –  01342 328713.

Tue  22  October  –  Hay & Straw  –  East Grinstead  –  Italian Food  –  01342 322699.

Mon 28 October – Gurkha@The Woodcock Inn – Felbridge – A taste of The Himalayas – 01342 325325.

Please Book Early to Reserve Your Place.

Please Arrive 6.30pm For a 7pm Start For All Restaurants.


Crawley Open House

The East Grinstead Foodbank

Crawley Prison Fellowship

Age UK East Grinstead & District

East Grinstead & District Mental Health Association

With special Thanks to:-  All The Businesses and Shops that have kindly Donated Raffle Prizes.

EG Foodbank – needs Jars of pasta sauce, chocolate biscuit bars (Penguin type), Washing powder/Liquid (small).  Surface cleaner, tissues (small packets), tinned ham, tinned custard, tinned fruit, tinned chopped tomatoes and Good condition “Bags for Life” to reuse.  Thank you.

CRAWLEY OPEN  HOUSE  – thanks from the staff for all your donations of bedding – at present they have enough stock BUT they are desperately short of tinned and packet food, tea, coffee etc.  Please up your donations for this amazing charity which is helping homeless people 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.  Bring items to Church or drop off at COH in Three Bridges.  Another way of supporting COH is to become part of the Be 1 in a 1000 scheme –see website for details

GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP –  desperately needs medium sized trousers and trainers size 9 & 10.

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