Masses this week

Sat 6.15pm Josie & Eamonn Tuke RIP
Deceased members of the Byrne & Hickland Families RIP
Sun 10.30am Fr Kevin Gaskin RIP (fm)
William Hughes RIP (1st anniv)
Mary Kutty RIP
Mon No Mass
Tues No Mass
Wed No Mass
Thurs 9.30am William (Bill) Hughes RIP
Fri No Mass
Sat 9.30am George Hubert RIP (anniv)

Masses next weekend

Sat 6.15pm Fr. Kevin Gaskin RIP
Joan Patry RIP
Mauren Hull RIP (CWL)
Sun 10.30am George Hubert RIP
Maysie Gregory RIP
Reggie Cheux RIP

Lingfield Mass Centre – St. Bernard’s

Sun 9.00am

Reconciliation (Confession)

East Grinstead: Saturday 10am – 10.30am, 5:30pm – 6pm
Lingfield: Sunday 8.15am – 8.45am

SICK/HOUSEBOUND VISITS – requests for visits and for Holy Communion in the Lingfield area – contact Deacon Ted.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – “Exposition takes place every Friday morning at Our Lady & St Peter’s between 09:00-1:00pm.  Come let us adore Him.”

REFRESHMENTS – Everybody is cordially invited for refreshments after Sunday Mass at both St. Bernard’s and Our Lady & St Peter’s churches.

WILLS & BEQUESTS – The Parish has benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have nominated the parish to receive funds from their estate. Please consider it.

GIFT AID OFFERINGS/DONATIONS – can be taken out at anytime throughout the year.  It is a valuable source of additional income for the parish with no extra cost to the parishioners.

HOLY WEEK WARNING – Parking will be difficult on Good Friday & Easter Eve as the Flying Scotsman is in town.  Come early.

TODAY – 1st Sunday.  Children remain in during mass.  1st Holy Communion children receive their Crucifixes.

MUSICAL CONCERT – at Worth Abbey this Sunday March 5th at 7.30pm. Works include Haydn’s St Nicholas Mass performed by the Choral Society.  More information to follow.

THANKS – to everyone who supported our Fairtrade Big Brew Event.  We were able to send a cheque for £80. And because it’s Fairtrade Fortnight we will have a

Fairtrade Sale after both Masses this weekend  4/5th  March.  Mike and Tina Causton Tel 311435 or email [email protected]

CAFOD  – Lent appeal:  Collection next Sunday – can be gift-aided using their envelopes.

INDIAN MASS – Next Sunday at 5pm OLSP

LENT BOXES  – so our sick, elderly, and young helpers in the parish can be helped go to Lourdes.  Please take one and return it after Easter.

CAFOD WEEKDAYS IN LENT – When there is a 9.30am mass at OLSP it will be preceded by Way of The Cross at 9am.

STANDING ORDERS  – Thank you for these.  They help the Churches here in East Grinstead and Lingfield to pay the bills as they are regular.  However, charges and prices go up.  If you have not reviewed your standing order for a number of years it would be appreciated if you would consider increasing it.

Catholic Women’s League – will meet on Wednesday 8th March for their AGM. 2:30pm in the church hall.  All welcome.

ADORATION – Adoration will resume as normal on Friday 10th March 9am-1pm. Everyone is welcome.

LENT FAST DAY IS FRIDAY 10TH MARCH 2017 – Florence is a hard-working mother who is devoted to her family.  A few years ago, she was only just making enough to feed her family.

However, CAFOD’s partner, the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, recognised how determined Florence was to stand on her own two feet and so they gave her 500 tiny fish, tools and training to build a pond and farm fish.  By selling some of the fish at market, Florence was able to give her children a future – she was able to send them to school.   Please support this Lent Fast Day, to ensure more people like Florence can turn tiny fish into something amazing.

RED BOXES – THE APF/MILL HILL MISSIONARIES Many Parish members are involved and new box holders are always welcome.  Next weekend 11th/12th March, there will be an Appeal at Masses by Father Liam Cummins MHM.

APF  – MILL HILL MISSION THANK YOU & APPEAL –  At all Masses next weekend we welcome Father Liam Cummins who will speak on behalf of APF – Mill Hill and their missionary work.  This thank you & appeal is not for money but for parishioners to become members and take a Red Mission Box.

“The Red Box is a focus of Prayer and direct giving for all Catholics in over 200,000 homes across England & Wales.”

CHRISTIAN  MEDITATION GROUPS – EAST GRINSTEAD AND WORTH ABBEY –  In East Grinstead our weekly meetings are held each Thursday from 7.30-8.30pm in the Parish Centre (WEATHER PERMITTING).  In Worth Abbey, meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 7.45 until 8.45 in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.  For further details of dates, please see leaflet at back of church.  For more information please contact Gabrielle Joyce on 01342 326118.

PARISH LENT PROJECT – as has become the tradition, this is to raise money for the sick and frail to go to Lourdes on The Diocesan Pilgrimage, alongside helping our young people to go as Helpers.  Boxes will be available at the back of church.

SUNDAY, 12TH MARCH – PARISH SPRING LUNCH – at St. Bernard’s Church Hall, gathering from 12.30pm for lunch at 1.00pm.  All arrangements will be as for the previous lunches: soft drinks will be provided but please bring your own alcoholic drinks; pre-booking is not required – just come along if you wish; there is no charge but there will be a voluntary donations basket.  Everyone is welcome – from all corners of the parish.

FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT – runs from 27 February until 12 March.  There will be banners flying from all churches in EG, at St Peter’s School, and on Town Council railings.  Please try to buy Fairtrade goods from local shops, supermarkets and Fairtrade Stalls.  In this way you can help farmers and producers in developing countries, who produce the food we eat and drink, to provide education and medical facilities for their families.  Two events coming up:

Thursday 9th March in Pulborough – 7pm – Fairtrade West Sussex AGM with guest speaker, Greg Valerio, activist for Fairtrade gold and jewellery and founder of Valerio Jewellery.

Fairtrade Lingfield and Dormansland has a Fairtrade Quiz  –  at 7.30pm Saturday 11th March at the Community Centre.  Tickets £8.  Teams of 8.  Further details of all events from  or Sue Joy. EG 835190.

Booking for Quiz:  [email protected]

Friends of the Holy Land  –  will have our AGM at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 March to be held in the Church Hall of OLSP.  Would members with olive boxes please bring these along to be counted.  All are welcome and tea and coffee will be available.

OUR LADY & ST PETERS LUNCH CLUB  –  will meet on Wednesday 15th March. Fr Steven will say a Healing Mass at 11.30 am followed by Lunch at 12.30 pm.  Please ring Ivy (323240) Jean(311295) or your driver if you are unable to come.  Reminder we have a Raffle this month.

Dormansland Baptist Church invites you to a concert  –  given by Marilyn Baker (Christian Singer/Songwriter) on Tuesday, 28 March at 2.30pm, followed by refreshments.  This is part of their celebration of the bi-centenary of the church building.

ARUNDEL & BRIGHTON DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES –  27th July to 4th August 2017 – online applications will be open soon – check the Pilgrimage website for details  Pilgrims requiring any level of medical, nursing or carer assistance, or those without access to the internet, should contact the Pilgrimage Office direct for a paper application form on 01403 740110.”

EG Foodbank –  requires donations of the following Long life milk (green) 1 litre cartons, shampoo and conditioner (both male and female), both male and female tissues –  small (packets and boxes), small packs of toilet rolls (2 and 4 Packs), pasta sauce, tinned meat – hotdogs and meatballs, tinned carrots and tinned peas.  Please leave at church or take to Jubilee Community Centre in Charlwood Road.


Arundel and Brighton Diocese is a Registered Charity No.25287 and Fairtrade Diocese

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